Sunday, September 03, 2006

Star Reachers

Work and Identify

There are few things in life that are as devastating to an individual as losing one's job. There is clear evidence that unemployment is linked with unhappiness.

It is interesting how thoughout this book, The Art of Happiness At Work, the key principle to happiness seems to be "attitude" and that in discussing every aspect of how to find happiness at work, the underlining remedy seems to be working with one's attitude.

The following techniques, once again revolve around one's attitude and how that plays a very significant role, and can make a big difference in how we respond to losing our job and being unemployed.

1. Your basic attitude to what has just happened to you - losing your job or being unemployed, is very important
2. We may not have control over our work or job situation, or for that matter the economy. However, we do have control over our attitude.
3. Realize that uncertainty and change are very much a part of the modern economy, particularly with regard to employment. This a fact that we have to accept.
4. There is no guarantee that there will be a job tomorrow. Once we understand that this job-loss is based on far too many other factors, we will not take it as being singled out.
5. Once you understand this, you are able to cope with the immediate problem itself and work towards a solution.
6. Your self-image around work will reflect on your ability to deal with job loss or unemployment.
7. When a person derives his/her self-image from the job he/she has, dealing with loss of this job or being unemployed may seem devastating
8. While we cannot prevent the loss of a job, we can certainly prevent the mental agitation that may go with it. To do this, the technique is to widen your self-image.
9. First of all see yourself as a human being with the capacity for friendship, for kindness etc., and then focus on the different roles we play in life, i.e. as a parent, spouse, child, brother, sister, employee, employer etc.
10. Having said that, remember that human life is not designed only for production (work), like some kind of machine.
11. If your life becomes only a medium of production, then many of the good human values and characteristics will be lost - then you will not, you cannot become a complete person.
12. In short, do not invest your whole identity in your job.


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