Star Reachers

Monday, June 19, 2006

Star Reachers

Noticing the Abundance

When we focus on abundance, our life feels adundant;
when we focus on lack, our life feels lacking.
It is purely a matter of focus.
It is true that we can't be in denial about the pain in our life. That is damaging to our physical and emotional health. And just as importantly,

We can't be in denial about the abundance in our life!
Susan Jeffers, Ph.D suggests that we create a "Book of Abundance" for ourselves. Each night before going to sleep, jot down at least 50 wonderful things that happened that day. Notice all the blessings, and abundance in your life. Things like being able to walk, talk, sit, eat, drink, breath, the warmth of the sun, the cool of the breeze, etc. You get the picture.
The items in your Book of Abundance do not have to be splashes of brilliance. In fact, it is better if they are not. Always keep in mind that if we focus on the splashes of brillance, so much of our life will seem drab.......... which it definitely is not!
As you start looking for the good,
your focus automatically is taken off
the bad...........and you feel blessed ( experience abundance).
If you can make noticing abundance a habit, your life will be transformed!
- Susan Jeffers, PH.D - Gratitude A Way Of Life by Louise L. Hay and Friends

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Star Reachers

Dr. Wayne Dyer's 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace

The First Secret
Have a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing
The Second Secret:
Don't die with your music still in you
The Third Secret:
You can't give away what you don't have
The Fourth Secret:
Embrace silence
The Fifth Secret:
Give up your personal history
The Sixth Secret:
You can't solve a problem with the same mind that created it
The Seventh Secret:
There are no justified resentments
The Eighth Secret:
Treat yourself as if you already are what you'd like to be
The Ninth Secret:
Treasure your divinity
The Tenth Secret:
Wisdom is avoiding all thoughts that weaken you

Star Reachers

Reason For My Absence

It sure has been a long time since my last posting. I do have a reason. My computer lost is capacity to perform fast enough since I downloaded Norton Internet Security 2006 (a massive program that took up all the memory left on my computer). I then decided to upgrade my entire computer system and I purchased a state-of-the-art system. It took longer than I expected to have it installed and running. Once that was accomplished, the DVD drive developed a problem and I had to undo the entire process and return the entire system. I now have a faster replacement and I am back in business with every problem resolved.It feels great to be back. For those who visit me regularly to check my blogs, I am back in business. Thanks for your patience.